BFF Leadership- Former Students Speak Out

BFF Leadership- Former Students Speak Out

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H.A., Graduate of McKinley Technology High School, now attending George Washington University Diamond Girl Leadership extends beyond what the eye can see. Like the small crystal gems in a hard diamond rock, the impact of Diamond Girl Leadership goes beyond the glitter and shine. It extends beyond the programs and practices and it travels far beyond the trips and sessions. Diamond Girl, to me, is second base. It is where I can go for confirmation and assurance that I am doing the right thing. I love being a Diamond Girl because I love being accepted. I love not being judged and most importantly I love knowing that somebody cares.
K.A., Graduate of Columbia Heights Educational Campus, now attending North Carolina A&T Instead of writing 250 words about what this Foundation means to me, one can just look at my life and see what it has done for me. At the end of the day, without Best Friends I could not have realized that I cannot affect the world if I cannot change myself first.”
A.C., Graduate of School Without Walls, now attending Savannah State University Over the course of my life, I have been involved in many things and out of all of them my experience with the Best Friends Foundation has had the biggest impact on me. From the moment I first attended a meeting, I knew this was something I would thoroughly enjoy. Being a part of the Diamond Girls choir has given me the opportunity to do a lot of things I like to do at once: interact with friends, and brainstorm ideas. Originally, I was never one to really sing any place other than at home, and even then I had to make sure that I was alone. After joining the choir, however, I tend to catch myself singing the Diamond Girls theme song or other songs that I have come across. To me, catching myself singing out loud is a sign of happiness. The friendships, lessons and morale that I have gained simply from being a part of this program are things that I will cherish throughout my life. I am a confident that as I enter college that I can apply all that I have learned and make the best possible choices. I am confident that I can excel in whatever I do. And I am confident that I am and shall remain a Diamond Girl.
A.D., Graduate of McKinley Technology High School, now attending University of Virginia My involvement in the Best Friends program started when I was in the seventh grade at Francis Junior High School. When I first signed up for the program, I thought that it wouldn’t have a significant impact on my teenage years. As time went on, I was quick to find out that I was wrong. In the first session that I attended, we talked about relationships with friends, families and significant others. In the session, I learned that communication was important in every healthy relationship. The lyrics to the Best Friends theme song taught me a lot of things. For example, “Don’t ever think that sex is a test of love”. This quote alone has given me the knowledge, power, and strength to be able to say no and stay true to myself. “You’re just a teen one time, make it a special time, save your growing up for the life ahead of you…don’t give into wisdom from the crowd”. The words in this song have also been great advice because throughout my high school year, I have had the ability to not just go along with the crowd. I have made positive choices that have kept me on the path of graduating from high school and entering college.
T.D., Graduate of McKinley Technology High School, now attending University of New Haven Best Friends and Diamond Girl means a lot to me. In a way it is my safe haven, my quiet place. When I am at the meetings, I feel like everything is right in the world. In short Best Friends and Diamond Girl is like my life. I have the best time there.
Y.H., Former senior at Anacostia High School, currently a Best Friends Foundation scholarship recipient attending Pennsylvania State University I never knew I had a choice. I did not know that it was easier to avoid risky behavior than to deal with the consequences. Until I joined the Best Friends Foundation, I did not understand the impact of my decision on the outcome of my future. To me, the Best Friends Foundation has been the reinsurance that I need in the face of peer pressure. Without the Foundation, I would not have gained the confidence to create my own ethical standards and adhere to them. The Best Friends Foundation has been my backbone, my support system, and my hero. One of the most valuable lessons I will carry with me forever from the Best Friends Foundation is the importance of good health, and nobody reinforced this more than Mrs. Burns. I am so grateful to have had such a strong support system throughout my high school career. When all else failed I knew the Foundation would be there. No matter what was going on I always had someone to turn to. During my junior year when I was facing some tough personal times, Mrs. Hamlette kept an open ear and always provided her words of wisdom, and for that I will be eternally thankful. The Best Friends Foundation has given me so much in such a short amount of time. I have gained something special from Mr. Carter and Mr. Kistler to Mrs. Goldsmith and Ms. Long, and nobody has made me feel more special in the entire world than Mrs. Bennett. Mrs. Bennett is my fairy godmother who can solve every problem I have with just a hug. Every single person who has worked to keep the Best Friends Foundation in operation is truly my hero. If I could summarize what Best Friends means to me in one sentence it would be, dream big, and know that the only way you will reach that dream is by staying on a straight path. Best Friends showed me that path.
S.S., Graduate of Wilson Senior High School, now employed at Pot Belly Sandwich as a Certified Trainer Best Friends is more than just a program to me, it is a family. Someone or somewhere I can run to with any problem or situation and they would welcome me with open arms. Not only are they a support system, they are people who make me a better person. I have been with Best Friends for six years and never have I had people other than my family to have my back like they do. But then again they are like a family so there is no reason to separate the two. Best Friends has molded me into the person I am today. I have learned the values of a true “Best Friend” and that I don’t need drugs or alcohol, but love and affection and kind honest people around. I’ve learned values that I will keep for years to come and it’s all thanks to Best Friends. I will always cherish, love and appreciate this program, but most of all… the people in it.
S.W., Graduate of Wilson Senior High School, now attending a Job Corps program Best Friends/Diamond Girls is a program that helps us with important life decisions. A friend is defined as someone who makes you a better person and that is what the Best Friends staff is doing. Being a Diamond Girl inspired me to become a better decision maker, get through pressured situations and to choose the people I want in my life.